Enter, if you dare, into the horrifying world of Haunted hill farm. Be afraid. Be very afraid of our scary circus clowns collection. These trouble-making pranksters are just what you need to turn your home into the scariest house on the block. Poppet, the animatronic clown head, anxiously awaits the arrival of any trick-or-treaters who dare knock on your door, so he can spring into action and give them a dreadful jumps care. Place this joking jester by the candy bowl and watch the fun unfold. Poppet is happy to sit on a table, countertop, or doorstep. Each time he is touched or sound approaches, his head pops up, and he speaks 1 of 4 different phrases. Welcome, little kiddies how about some tricks and some treats he seems harmless enough, but i would not trust him if i were you he is more tricks than treats. Be the wicked 1 this season and bring this talking fright prop home to scare your family, friends, and neighbors. Make a scene this halloween with poppet the clown.